City Bridge Trust New Supporter
PAS is delighted to acknowledge the support of City Bridge Trust, the City of London Corporation’s charity funder, which gives out over £25 million every year to good causes across the capital. The trust, this week, came aboard as a supporter of our resettlement work in London with an award of £45,000.00 over five years.
Only 50% of people released from prison between March 2019-20 had settled accommodation on release. 17% were homeless or sleeping rough. (PRT Factfile Winter 2021)
Vulnerable prisoners are often released back into the community with no accommodation arrangements made for them. PAS is frequently asked for assistance where prisons – and other bodies – are failing to meet their legal responsibilities towards women, disabled, chronically ill and elderly prisoners with health or social care needs, including sourcing appropriate accommodation for them upon release.
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 means that prisons and probation providers are now required by law to refer people who might be at risk of becoming homeless to the local housing authority. (PRT Factfile Winter 2021)
Resettlement assists soon-to-be-released vulnerable prisoners in obtaining supported accommodation to house them safely and appropriately upon release. We are able to secure a variety of accommodation for London prisoners, whether self-sufficient housing with minimal aid, or a care home where constant assistance is provided.