Compassionate Early Release Template Letter To Download and Use – Updated 3/4/2020
PAS is calling for the release of low risk prisoners and those who are particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus (see above). Please find below a draft letter for anyone to use and amend if they believe that a prisoner should be released early on compassionate grounds given the extreme circumstances of the coronavirus emergency. This letter asks the prison Governor to recommend to the Secretary of State for Justice that the prisoner is released on compassionate grounds, or to consider an application for temporary release, as well as to confirm to you, either way, what steps are being taken to protect the vulnerable person in prison. Please feel free to share this letter with anyone you believe it may help. Please let PAS know if you receive a response.
Download Compassionate Early Release Letter Template here.
Click here for Government guidance on coronavirus in prisons.
NB: This letter template is only applicable to prisoners serving determinate sentences. Those serving indeterminate or life sentences should seek legal advice from their prison lawyer or contact PAS for further information.