News update from the Trustees of PAS

“The Trustees of the Prisoners Advice Service wish to announce that, Matthew Evans, Managing Solicitor, will be leaving PAS on the 18th October 2013

in order to accept a position with another organisation.

Matthew, the first Managing Solicitor of PAS, was appointed 6 years ago. During this time PAS has achieved a great many successes, continuing to  provide a unique  and exceptional provision of legal service to prisoners across England and Wales, despite facing significant funding challenges and cuts to legal aid. We wish Matthew all the best.

We will advise of the appointment of a new Managing Solicitor in due course, but during any interim period the responsibilities of the role will be shared amongst the current staff. We remain confident that PAS will continue to provide quality advice and representation however if you wish to discuss our plans for the future then please do contact me, or our development manager, Swazi Rodgers. We would be more than happy to meet with you”

Rikki Garg – Chair of the Trustees