PAS Debate 2013: Tuesday 21st May at UCL
1.6 million behind bars: Are there any lesson to learn from the US prison system?
Clive Stafford Smith, John Podmore, and David Jessel
will take part in third annual Prisoners’ Advice Service/ debate.
When: Tuesday May 21st at 630pm
Where: Gustav Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL, London
David Jessel (Rough Justice, Trial & Error) will chair a debate including:
- Clive Stafford Smith – founder of Reprieve;
- Hamja Ahsan – brother of Talha Ahsan, detained without trial in the UK for six years before being extradited to US last October (
- Dr Sharon Shalev – research fellow Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford, author of Supermax: controlling risk through solitary confinement, and
- John Podmore – ex-prison governor and inspector, and currently a writer, broadcaster & consultant
- Judge John Samuels QC – former Circuit Judge, current Judicial member of the Parole Board and Chair of the Criminal Justice Alliance
- Ian Birrell – former deputy editor of the Independent and a speechwriter for David Cameron