Trustees sought by the Prisoners’ Advice Service
The Prisoners’ Advice Service (PAS) is the only independent registered charity offering free legal advice and representation to adult prisoners on their rights and prison rules in England and Wales.
After PAS’ judicial review victory at the court of appeal it is an especially exciting time to join our Trustees and complement its small but highly motivated Management Committee where an effective commitment to ‘justice behind bars’ is the shared value.
As a Trustee, you will contribute to the strategic governance of the organisation and the setting and monitoring of overall policy; refine strategic priorities; agree targets and budgets; evaluate organisational performance and help the organisation fundraise.
Meetings take place quarterly in central London in the evening, with additional attendance requested at the Strategic Day and PAS’s Annual Lecture and debates.
Expressions of interest would be particularly welcome from people with expertise and experience in one or more of the following:
– Human Resources/Personnel procedures and issues
– IT/digital/comms
– Fundraising
The Board encourages applications from candidates with disabilities or experience of mental health services, as well as black and minority ethnic applicants and ex-prisoners.
PAS does not accept Home Office or Prison Service money as this may affect its independence.
Trustees are volunteers, but travel costs and reasonable expenses will be reimbursed.
Closing date for applications: Friday 30th June, 2017. Interviews will take place on W/C 17 July, 2017.
If you are interested in playing a strategic role in PAS’s developments, please email a current CV and covering letter to:
Thank you.