Trusts and Foundations
Our services rely heavily on grants from charitable Trusts and Foundations. We are keen to build and maintain close relationships with Trusts and Foundations which share our commitment to access to justice and respect for human/legal rights.
With your support, we can continue to offer and develop our services for prisoners.
Trusts and Foundations that are interested in supporting our work can call us on 0207 253 3323 for more information.
Charitable Trusts and Foundations
We are most grateful to the following trusts and foundations for their financial support, which has been critical to us in offering our services to prisoners:
- AB Charitable Trust
- Allen and Overy Foundation
- Alice Ellen Cooper- Dean Charitable Foundation
- Bates Wells Braithwaite Foundation
- Bewley Charitable Trust
- The Bromley Trust
- Charles Hayward Foundation
- The Charles Irving Charitable Trust
- The Constance Travis Charitable Trust
- Eleanor Rathbone Charitable Trust
- Essex Community Foundation
- The Hadley Trust
- The Harrison-Frank Family Foundation (UK Ltd.)
- Jessie Spencer Trust
- K W Charitable Trust
- Law Society Charity
- The Leigh Trust
- The London Legal Support Trust
- Metropolitan Masonic Charity
- Michael and Shirley Hunt Charitable Trust
- The Mulberry Trust
- The National Lottery Community Fund
- The Northmoor Trust
- The Paristamen Foundation
- The Paul Cottingham Trust
- The Persula Foundation
- The Pilgrim Trust
- The Sir Halley Stewart Trust
- The Tudor Trust
- Tampon Tax Community Fund
- Thomas Sivewright Catto Charitable Settlement
- The Walter Guinness Charitable Trust
- The William Allen Young Charitable Trust
- The W O Street Charitable